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Classes of Funds

The financial services industry has, over the years, spread the range of collective investments into different classes of the same fund. When discussing a specific fund that has a range of different classes these are most commonly know as multiple class funds.


Different classes within the same fund hold an interest in one underlying portfolio. The assets within the fund are not split. What is the difference between the classes in the same fund? This can vary, but in the main the differences revolve around the fee arrangements in the classes.


In times there has been a move away from fixed fee classes to performance fee arrangements. The main objective is to incentivise the investment manager to generate high performance in the fund, thereby aligning the interests of the manager with that of the investors. Performance fees are only payable when the investment manager has outperformed the bench mark. The manager’s share is 20% of the out-performance, so that the investors still enjoy 80% of the out-performance, after performance fees have been deducted. Please see performance fee FAQ's here.


Performance fees are capped at 2%, annually.


The Oasis and Oasis Crescent range of funds, in South Africa, are moving to a performance fee calculation basis, in the form of a A & D Class, for each fund.


However, going forward, ALL new investments or additional investments whether for existing or new investors, will be invested in the new D Class of the fund selected.


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