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Oasis Crescent Endowment Policy

  • The Oasis Crescent Endowment Policy is a tax efficient savings investment policy purchased with Oasis Crescent Insurance Limited in the name of the policyholder, within the frame work of the Long-term Insurance Act, with maturity terms of 5, 10 or 15 years. The Policy is a pure investment policy with NO life cover

  • Individual Investors

  • The Endowment Policy has been introduced with the intention of opening up an opportunity for individual investors to build up the funds that will become necessary for events later on in life. An overseas trip, university education, or simply to be able to have a little extra liquidity

  • Other Investors

  • The product is also open to other types of investors such as, nontaxable institutions such as Educational and Charitable bodies Trusts, as well as Companies, Close Corporations or Trusts that are not Natural persons

  • There are three investment portfolios that investors can select from and all three portfolios come in the Crescent Range (Shari’ah compliant)

    • High Equity Portfolio – New Moon

    • Moderate Equity Portfolio – Half Moon

    • Low Equity Portfolio – Full Moon

  • For more information on these investment portfolios download the product brochure.

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