Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions
Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions (Pty) Ltd. is a registered pension fund administrator and is responsible for the administration of the Oasis Group’s range of retail retirement products.
Investment Manager
The investment manager of the Shari’ah compliant retail retirement product range is Oasis Crescent Capital (Pty) Ltd. With the application of its proven investment philosophy and strategy, Oasis has received numerous accolades for the management of large institutional retirement funds. The company continues to establish a track record that is both consistent and impressive as it specialises in the management of retirement fund assets.
Regulatory Framework
Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions (Pty) Ltd. received a pension fund administration licence from the Financial Services Conduct Authority in South Africa and continues to operate within the regulatory framework of this institution. Furthermore, the company also complies with the code of ethics and practices that are prescribed by the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute.
Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions (Pty) Ltd. also interacts with other regulatory bodies, including the Institute of Retirement Funds (South Africa), which represents and promotes the interests of the retirement fund industry in South Africa to the ultimate benefit of the members of retirement funds. In addition, the company adheres to the guidelines that are set by the South African Reserve Bank, which ensures that the conduct of South African financial institutions operates within the stipulated financial regulatory framework.
Integrity of Information and Access to Transparent Investment Returns
All reporting of performance by Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions (Pty) Ltd. is prepared and presented in compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). Pricing of all funds within the Oasis Group’s Crescent product range occurs daily and these prices are submitted to Standard & Poor’s Micropal, Bloomberg and Failaka Inc., who independently audit the information before making it available to the public.
All institutional fund performance with respect to the investment mandates is submitted to consulting actuaries for independent verification and inclusion in the consulting actuaries surveys.
Appointment of Auditor
Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions (Pty) Ltd. has appointed Nexia SAB&T as its external auditor.